Practical Tips To Exercise When You Are Time Poor
Tegan’s Top Tips
for squeezing in more movement.
Yep, getting enough movement can be hard, especially when we live busy lives, with some days more hectic than the next. How are we to maintain this busy lifestyle without getting burnt out or feeling mentally & physically exhausted? We are all aware that part of the solution to sustainably managing a busy lifestyle is exercise...but I hear you, where the hell are you going to fit that in?
I've been here, and still sometimes go back there- even though I’m a Pilates Instructor, I still need to find time for my own workouts.
So here are my absolute top tips for fitting in Pilates (or any other exercise) on those HECTIC days.
Find a 10 minute window. This could be in the morning, during lunch or even in the evening. Throw on a Youtube video Jump on YouTube and search for a 10-minute video- for example "10 minute Pilates mat workout." For that 10-minute window all you need to focus on is the video and what you're doing for yourself. (P.S Check out our new Youtube Channel.)
Do you take breaks at work, or try to get outside during the day? Make time for a fast paced walk around the park for 10 - 20 minutes. Get your heart rate up. Think "slightly out of breath, but could still hold a conversation.”
Book in for an online Pilates or exercise class (make sure this is live on Zoom or any other video conferencing app). Schedule that time in and know you'll only need to commit to that 30 or 45 minute class without the need to waste your valuable time driving to and from the studio/gym. Do a 30-minute Pilates class on Zoom with me
I'd like to finish off by saying that finding balance takes time, developing a new routine and habits take time. Don't get down or angry with yourself if you miss out on exercise sometimes. Look forward to the days ahead and what you can do tomorrow.
How do you fit in exercise & movement in when you are time poor?
Tegan x