Why I Offer Personalised Meal Planning.
So, I'm a self-confessed foodie. It's true. I love food, cooking and eating out. It's a big part of who I am as a person and my business as well. However, recently I've noticed that people are looking for something more than just a meal - they want to know what they should be eating to achieve their health goals (for example losing weight or getting managing food allergies) and also how to avoid falling into the traps that come with having too much choice when it comes to food.
Self Confessed Foodie
Whatever it is, I will eat it. Chris & I always prioritise one night a week where we try something new in Melbourne.
They want someone who understands them.
This is where my years of experience as a Naturopath come in handy! As well as being able to create tasty recipes that taste great but also deliver on nutrition requirements - there's nothing like knowing what works best for you when it comes to achieving your goals. This includes understanding things like your busy lifestyle (and what you can realistically get done in that time), personal preferences around certain foods or just how hard you'll need to push yourself!
Personalised meal planning gives you all the support you could want in order to succeed with weight loss or other health goals!!
Weight Loss
Weight loss is a common goal for many people, but it’s not as simple as calories in vs. calories out. There are so many other factors at play in weight loss, such as the food we eat and how our bodies react to certain foods. This is why meal planning can help you lose weight! Meal planning allows you to identify any food sensitivities or allergies that may be holding you back from your health goals.
You might think that if you eat less than what your body needs, it will automatically use up those excess calories without fail—but research shows otherwise: If your body doesn't get enough protein in particular, it will store fat instead of burning it off. And after eating some types of carbohydrates like simple carbs or sugary foods? Your blood sugar levels spike rapidly which leads us into another problem—carbohydrate cravings!
Food Sensitivities & Food Allergies
You may have heard of food sensitivities and allergies, but if you haven't, they're not something to be taken lightly. Food sensitivities and allergies are conditions that can cause digestive problems and other symptoms. They're difficult to diagnose or sometime pinpoint as you may have delayed reactions.
There are many different types of foods that can cause problems for those who have low-level intolerances to them (so much so that they don't even know they exist). For example:
Milk products (e.g., cheese)
Wheat products (e.g., breads)
Some common symptoms of food sensitivities include digestive problems, fatigue, depression and headaches. The symptoms of food allergies can be more severe including eczema, asthma and even anaphylaxis (a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction). Food sensitivities may be caused by a variety of factors including poor gut health or poor quality ingredients in your diet.
Check out Emma’s experience with personalised meal planning (start at 1.20 mins)
Meal Prep
Meal prep is a great way to not only save time, but also improve your health. When you meal prep, you’re doing far more than just planning out what meals you want to eat for the week or month. Meal prep involves thinking about how much time it takes to prepare each of your ingredients and even preparing some of them in advance so they’re ready and easy to use when it comes time to cook with them. This can be especially helpful if you have a busy schedule or are trying to stick with certain diet like anti-inflammatory diet or high protein diet.
Once you get into the habit of meal prepping (which doesn’t take long), it becomes second nature and will save you tons of time during the week as well as keep hunger away since there are always plenty of healthy snacks available for snacking on when hunger strikes!
Some of the photos I’ve been sent from clients
By offering personalised meal planning, I hope to help people achieve weight loss, identify food sensitivities and/or allergies, and save time by prepping their meals for the week.
Offering personalised meal planning as a service is something I've wanted to do for a few years. After all, my own journey towards better health was difficult and time-consuming.
I know that there are many people who would be able to achieve their goals more quickly if they had someone taking care of their meals for the week, giving them a shopping list & easy to follow recipes.
But what makes me excited is not just the physical benefits but also the psychological ones: knowing that your body is getting the nutrients it needs every day; having meals ready when you're hungry; feeling less stressed about food because you don't have to worry about making it yourself anymore!
It's not just about losing weight; it's also about confidence, happiness and being at peace with yourself.
I hope this post has helped you understand why I now offer personalised meal planning as a service. If you want to learn more about the benefits of meal planning and how it can help you achieve weight loss, identify food sensitivities and/or allergies, or save time by prepping your meals for the week, then please contact me today!
Tegan x
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